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Name Kamila Niekoraniec Date 07/02/02
Hit 1834

1.        DUO-Korea Identification Number: 2006 - 48

2.       Home Institution (Country): Warsaw University POLAND

3.        Host Institution (Country): Kyunghee University KOREA

4.        Exchange Period:  2006.07.28 - 2006.12.25

5.        Major: Korean language

6.        Name: Kamila Niekoraniec


My name is Kamila Niekoraniec. I am fifth year student in Korean Section, Japanese and Korean  Department, Oriental Institute, Warsaw University.


The most of my friends I met in Korea and who also had opportunity to participate this amazing Fellowship had classes only in English. For them Korea  was one of the Oriental country with interesting culture and beautiful views of mountains but for people who has ever studied Korean language  like for me, Korea is not only a very beautiful country with long history and splendid culture but it is also the country with which I connect my future. It has been four  years since I said my first Korean words and I can easily say that from that moment my life has completely changed.


Classes taken in host institution, progress and accomplishment


Kyunghee University offered for exchange students few possibilities of studying  like Graduate School, GSP, Undergraduate Courses in Korean Language or in English Language and Korean Language Education Course.


I participated in Korean Language Program which was held by Institute of International Education. Since 1993 every year about 1.500 people from over 50 different countries have been participating in this course. IIE (Institute of International Education) at Kyunghee University is a specialized language and culture teaching institute which has one of the best group of instructors in Korea. 


Classes I was attending to consisted Korean Language Classes including Speaking, Listening, Writing ,Reading and Korean Culture Classes like Chinese Characters ( divided into two groups, one with the background knowledge in Chinese Characters and the other without background knowledge in Chinese Characters). During Korean Language


Classes we were  studying about  traditional ceremonies like Doljanchi, Hollye, Problem of pollution and the environmental preservation, Hangeul, Folklore, Mass Culture, Technology and Education Problems, Literature and Arts, History, Society, Philosophy, Economy etc. So  we could discuss many interesting and difficult problems exchanging opinions to each other. 


After completing  Advanced Level II I can say that  we can express our opinions on many topics for example related politics, economy and culture, understand Korean literary works like poem etc, discuss current issues, present our opinions, read newspaper and magazines, express our impressions after watching a movie, interpret and translate etc.


During classes we were obligated to write essays and present them in front of all class. For topic of one of my presentation I chose ¡° Reason why we should read books¡± but the most important essay I prepared about Influence of Tradional Korean Ceremonies in personal life and life of all society. I am especially interested in Traditional Korean Culture, Arts and Korean Literature. At the present  moment I am doing research work on Traditional Korean Familiar Ceremonies such as Wedding Ceremony, Seongnyeollye, Hoehollye – Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary, Ancestral Rites, Hwangap – Sixtieth Birthday Ceremony so my teacher encouraged me to continue my topic in future and do more research works connecting with this  field. I must say that it is really  fascinating and I am really engrossed in all Traditional Korean customs and Ceremonies.


But I would not only like to study Korean Culture but also Korean Literature which recently has taken my time. As far as my future plans are concerned I want from the bottom of my heart to became an interpreter. In Korea I would like to continue my studies and in the future I would also like to have an opportunity to write there dissertation for Ph.D. degree. I am wholeheartedly set on improving my interests, language skills and knowledge of Korean Culture.


                 Off-Campus Activities


Before fall semester at Kyunghee University had began we had opportunity to participate 3 weeks Summer Korean language and culture Program for foreigners  included Korean language and culture classes; Taekwondo classes, traditional Flute classes, Korean etiquette , movies and food. 


Moreover we had also four fieldtrips. During these trips we were visiting the most beautiful and representative places of Seoul like National Museum, Folk village, traditional Korean temples and palaces , traditional street Insa -dong etc. We got also chance  to see very interesting cooking performance ¡°Nanta ¡° on Nanta Theater .This spectacle everybody kept on their minds because of the humor and outstanding style of this performance. For almost 1,5 h we could see and have fun with dancing  


chief and his workers who  using  pots, pans, garbage cans,  chopsticks, knifes  made us laugh.  But for me the most important and interesting trip was last trip to DMZ  where we could visit The 3rd Tunnel, Dora observatory unification village, and Imjingak.


For me Korean language is very interesting but also very difficult. I think that studying Korean language every day and reading books is not enough because the most important thing is meeting Korean people from whom foreigners can learn about their culture and improve linguistic skills. I can say that Kyunghee University had a great idea and resolve this


problem giving to every foreign student Dowoomi some kind of ¡°helper¡±. This system ¡°1:1¡± when Korean native speaker volunteers are chosen to help learning language and in the cultural adaptation  was really good idea. Korean volunteers didn't behave like doing some job but treated us like friends. I can say that time spending with Dowoomi was unforgettable and thanks to them we could enjoy University life and every obstacles if sometimes occurred with their help immediately disappeared.


   Things learned from exchange experience


There are many things I learned during my exchange period at Kyunghee University. During these 5 months which I spent in Korea I met people from the whole world. I met people of different characters, manners and cultures. Of course it is impossible to  became best friends with everybody  but I found people who had the same point of view, similar sense of humor etc and they became my close friends and we still keep in touch. In Korea not only  I have improved many skills but also I mastered different cultures. Friendships I formed during this time are one of the most important things in my life. I know that it sounds a little bit naïve because we meet people everyday, in every situation in our lives but  these people built my world in the new way and put some parts of their lives to mine. We  built some kind of family. We used to share troubles, study together and exchange our opinions everyday . They taught me self belief ,  enjoying life and don't treat everything so serious but with some kind of distance. Even I can not see them now I am sure that these friendships will be last forever and always Korea will remind me the happiest moments I spent with them.


During these  five  months I spoke Korean every day, I met also many Korean people and I could experienced their lifestyles. Korean culture is very different than European but thanks to my Korean friends I could feel like in home and forget about culture differences. Even I have been studying Korean language for  four years they taught  me many new things about Korea like Korean manners .For example the manner which obligates  the others must not take up their spoons and chopsticks until the eldest person present begins eating or ¡° No one may be excused from the table before the eldest finishes eating¡± or that ¡° you must not stick your spoon or chopsticks straighten up and down in your rice bowl. That is done only at memorial rites for the dead¡± or ¡° To dig ¡°crater¡± right in the middle of your rice bowl is considered very poor manners¡±. etc They always were very happy and ready to help and answer all my questions.  Thanks to them I can say that Korea became my second home where I feel free and happy. They did them best to show me the most beautiful places situated in Seoul I have never been to and thanks to them I could enjoy Korean lifestyle, Korean culture aspects and practice Korean language. Looking back to that time, I am filled with nostalgic sweetness.


However in my opinion people who have the biggest influence in our lives are our teachers. It was pleasure for me to meet our coordinator Mr. Kang Jeesuk who always offered us his help and treated us like friends. Thanks to him we could enjoy university's lifestyle, attend many cultural events like concerts and meetings. I am really impressed his strong character and kindness. I can easily say that I count him among my Korean friends. Thanks to our teachers we could get acquaint with Korean customs. They invited us  to spend holidays together like Chuseok, New Year so  we had opportunity to familiarize ourselves with Korean style of life. Always we could ask for help and get some piece of advice.


Summary during this 5 months I was trying to learn as much as I could from my friends and teachers even from strangers on the street observing their manners and behaviors.


      Advice to future exchange student fellows


I find Korean language very interesting but also very difficult. I think that studying Korean language every day and reading books is not enough because the most important thing is meeting Korean people from whom foreigners can learn about their culture and improve linguistic skills. During my life I always follows one rule ¡° Where is a will there is a way¡± .So my advices: Study and work very hard but don't forget enjoying your spare time , try to form many friendships because friends are the most important people in the world. You must make  the most of your   opportunity and don't forget that such opportunity sometimes never comes to another so try to appreciate it. Visit as much places as you can afford, try to make the most unforgettable moments in your life.


In the end  I would like to thank you that   you  gave me the opportunity to participate Asem Duo Fellowship and take part in the 2006 Korean Language  Program at Kyung hee University because without your help it would be really difficult  for me to manage all expenses. And I want to say  when  you gave me that possibility my biggest dream could really come true.



Kamila Niekoraniec
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