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Subject       The 3rd KIFS Day Notice - Bangladesh
Name admin Date 06/11/28
Hit 1904

The 3rd KIFS Day Notice - Bangladesh


The interchange of diverse cultures and the advancement of mutual knowledge will further advance opportunities of students.   Are you interested becoming a willing person working in international competition?  If so, you are more than welcome to join KIFS- Kyung Hee International Friendship Society.


KIFS prepares a great opportunity for promoting global minds, forming human networks and understanding unique cultures and characteristics of various countries. Every other month, group meetings will give you the chance to learn about different cultures and characteristics.


Also, once or twice per semester, we will plan a field trip that will provide more detailed information about Korea.  In addition, we will be glad to help you to prepare smaller meetings or activities based upon member's request.  For example, there will be a Korean class as second language.




We are holding our 3rd KIFS DAY on Nov 30 at GSP. Please come and enjoy the beauty of  Bangladeshi culture and

the exotic flavour of Bangladeshi food as well as exclusively entertaining games!


We are looking forward to seeing you on this Thursday!




<Third KIFS DAY>


n         Time: 6:40 P.M. on Nov 30, 2006

n         Venue:  International Service Center & Room #103  GSP Building

n         Theme Country - Bangladesh

n         Speakers - Mr. Hassan and his friends




- Contact: Mr. Jaegyun Im (4th year student at Kyung Hee University)

- E-mail: kifs.pres@yahoo.com

- Club's website: http://mykifs.korea.co.kr

Friday Movie(06.12.01) Bandidas
Friday Movie(06.11.24) Hoodwinked